What Is a termite bond and do I need one?

A termite bond is a contract between a homeowner or an association and a termite control company. The bond allows the homeowner or association to pay what is essentially a retainer fee to a pest control company. The bond outlines the frequency and type of treatment to be provided and may include re-treatment and repair guarantees [...]

By |2020-03-15T07:36:49+00:00February 13th, 2013||Comments Off on What Is a termite bond and do I need one?

I have a separate mailing address from the property. How can I change the address on record if I move?

All account changes (such as an address, name changes or additions to the deed) need to be submitted in writing. Please include the property address and indicate what changes may be needed. Please send any changes to hoasupport@rpmgrs.com. Name changes should be accompanied by a copy of the marriage/divorce certificate as well. Changes of ownership [...]

By |2020-03-15T07:34:38+00:00November 23rd, 2012||0 Comments

I have the covenants but I don’t understand why I need to read and know.

It is encouraged that every homeowner read through their covenants and other governing documents to acclimate themselves to their community further. The Use Restriction section of your covenants is the section that is typically used as the reference point for non-compliance issues. If your community has Rules and Regulations, these policies will further define some of [...]

By |2020-03-15T07:38:52+00:00November 23rd, 2012||Comments Off on I have the covenants but I don’t understand why I need to read and know.

How can I make changes to the appearance of my home and landscaping?

Depending on the community you live in, you may be required to complete an ARF application (Architectural Review Form). You can find this form by logging into your SenEarthCo® account. The approval process varies from community to community. Please refer to your covenants or feel free to contact a member of our team for more [...]

By |2020-03-15T07:39:27+00:00November 23rd, 2012||Comments Off on How can I make changes to the appearance of my home and landscaping?
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